Vendor Management

About Our Vendor Management Services

Vendors provide services to your organization, but effectively managing all these relationships to monitor performance, mitigate risks, and reduce cost can be difficult—particularly when multiple teams are involved.

We can work with you to develop or administer your vendor management program. Our objective is to establish a vendor management framework, develop policies and onboarding procedures, create forms and questionnaires and define system and reporting requirements.

When you outsource a function or service, it’s important to have a plan and process in place to hold the vendor accountable and manage the relationship. That’s where we come in. We can help you develop or administer your vendor management program so you can be confident your vendors are meeting (or exceeding) your expectations. Vendor management is an essential function—let us help you do it well.

  • Evaluate your current vendor management program and provide recommendations for improvement.
  • Identify the appropriate factors to consider when profiling your vendors
  • Assess and classify the risk level of each vendor for structured due diligence
  • Track your vendors' performance over time as conditions change
  • Mitigate the inherent risk to your organization

We can help evaluate your current program and help when selecting the right vendors so you can be confident that you have the right vendors in place to support your business goals—and that they will continue to perform at the highest level.


Whether you have vendor management software or are running manually, we can help you implement best-in-class vendor management program to fit your requirements and your budget. As appropriate we can automate processes and get the visibility you need to manage vendors and contracts with confidence.


We can help you attain low-risk, high performing contracts by standardizing processes, strengthening controls and leveraging technology to give you full visibility into the entire contract management lifecycle.


Organizations are reliant on collecting, analyzing, and developing insights from vendor contracts and underlying data within those contracts. We leverage analytics and data from within the contract to create performance scorecards, enabling you to get the most from your vendor relationships.

Why Ascension Technologies

Our mission is to provide our clients with the highest quality consultancy services that are purpose-built and designed to add value. We are dedicated to helping our clients achieve their strategic objectives and reach their full potential.

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